Protecting one’s heart is something that comes with the territory of living a difficult life. Heart armour is a fantastic tool for survival, but it may also be a liability in terms of our freedom and happiness in the long run. In order to return to the table and have a full-touch experience with ourselves, we must first understand ourselves. When we remove any part of our body from our body, we are removing the vitality of our life. It takes time and effort to re-establish contact with the heart that has been closed off. And so we bring our plates and emotions back together and confess: “I’ve been abandoning you for a long time.”
Find a comfy spot.
Begin by locating a suitable seat. For this technique, you can keep your eyes closed or open with a soft glance. Make sure you’re seated comfortably and, to the best of your ability, see if you can sit with your spine straight. You may need to sway back and forth as well as side to side until you reach your optimum seat. Feel your body relax.
Take a few calm breaths now. Let go of any attempt to mould or control the breath. Allow it to come in and out naturally. Allow yourself to unwind and release any tension or stress. Feel grounded yet present, with a sensation of peaceful alertness.
Begin by noticing. Take note of your current mental condition. What is the present tone of the mood? How are you currently feeling? See if you can simply observe without making any judgments about what is good or harmful.
Be thankful.
Now, let’s switch gears and take stock of everything you have to be thankful for in your life. Feel grateful to the people and events that brought you to this point. Express your appreciation to your parents and grandparents. Thank God for the possibilities you’ve had in life, education, travel, and work.
Take into account your emotional and physical well-being.
Express gratitude for your body’s health. Consider yourself fortunate to have a mind and a brain. Feel gratitude for the talents and skills you possess. Consider how grateful you are to the individuals in your life. Express your appreciation to your immediate family members. Be thankful for your extended family. Feel thankful for your coworkers and friends. Thanks to the mentors in your life who helped you grow into the person you are today.
Now contemplate your appreciation for the world pertaining to water and food. And the air you breathe on a daily basis. And now, simply choose the one thing for which you are most grateful right now. Every muscle in your body should be relaxed.
Visualise your heart armour being undone.
Let us delve deeper into the experience of thankfulness with a brief visualisation. Begin by recalling someone in your life that you genuinely care about. A guardian, a partner A youngster Or even a close friend. Visualize them in your head. And think about a time when you felt a particularly deep connection to this individual. This could be a recent or distant memory. Allow your thoughts to return to this wonderful moment of connection. Do you recall where you were? Consider the setting: the place, the people, the time of day, or anything else you notice.
Try to remember how you felt at the time. Love, presence, contentment, or genuine connection are all examples of true connection. Any sensations or emotions that develop in your mind and body should be noted. And see if you can let go of any preconceived notions. Try not to analyse everything, good or bad. Allow whatever you’re feeling to come and go as it pleases.
Concentrate on one component of this moment for which you are very grateful. The individual The scene The state of your emotions Allow this feeling of thankfulness to pervade your entire mind and body. Take a few more deep breaths. Continue to concentrate on this single trait of appreciation. This would be the reverse process of building the heart armour, leaving one of the most important organs in our body unshackled, with a healthy, solid foundation where love and appreciation can now be nurtured.
Heart and love go together!
Let’s rewire this practice’s benefits. For only 15 seconds, savour this moment of thankfulness from the bottom of your heart. Allow it to soak in. When you’re ready, fully open your eyes. Return to the room slowly. Move any areas of your body that are stiff.
Finally, while you go about your day, consider expressing your gratitude to the individual you chose for this practise. It could be a text message, an email, a card, or just a thought wish for them. Then see how this act of thankfulness affects the rest of your day.